Lunch Time Chat with Kyra from Ideas Test
Kyra Cross from Ideas Test invited me to a Lunch Time Chat on Zoom last week.
These chats are a way for people working in the community to stay in touch and update each other on what's going on for them and the people they serve right now.
Jackie and Dave the community wardens were present, as were Brigid from the library, Kasia from You Me Us and Paul from Oasis Academy.
It was amazing to hear about the work of the community wardens on the island and how much they enjoyed their role. It's such a tricky time for those like them in front-line roles wanting to keep connected to those otherwise isolated but taking so much care to reduce the risk of them catching and transmitting Covid. It was really humbling hearing about their work. They had some great suggestions for me for the letter exchange project and were keen to spread the word.
Kasia spoke to us about the successful uptake for You Me Us - Ideas Test's project to reduce feelings of loneliness and social isolation through creativity - there are some fantastic artists involved, check out the page here:
Paul from Oasis Academy updated us on their ambitious plans to get food out to families on the island via a double decker bus! More and more families are needing to access food and the school has been making sure this food has been getting out there - over 6000 deliveries and counting.
The meeting ended EARLY(!)so we congratulated each other before we said goodbye! It struck me that these spaces are really important as a way to stay connected, share local work and to sit back and also as an opportunity to reflect on the creative ways that many people are working together to meet the needs of their community.
Thanks to Kyra for the invite!